The importance of adult day care for American Armenians
Saturday, March 2, 2019
Armenian people have always been different from others. They are more conservative, their families are stronger and over the years they have always done their best to preserve their traditions and customs which make them unique.
To keep our essence of identity, authenticity, and uniqueness alive, we must preserve our language, our traditions and our religion alive and strong. This must not be just acknowledged but also spread around the community and around the world, of course.
One of the most important factors that keep any nation alive is the older generation. Elderly people play a big role in the life of Armenian community in California. They are the foundation of Armenian culture and traditions. They are the keepers of our customs. They are the ones who pass on that knowledge to the younger generation.
Nowadays adult day cares are becoming quite popular. It is a place where elderly people can spend their day time in a good company and doing pleasant activities. Also they will have the chance to spend their time with other elderly people, have nice conversations and enjoy their day. They even meet new people and fall in love again.
One of the best sides of an adult day care is that elderly being are also being taken care of during the day. Their blood pressure is being measured to make sure they feel well. In case of feeling bad they are treated with medicine and professional attitude. So the family members do not have to worry about their parents or grandparents being taken good care of.