Today Armenians celebrate Easter
Sunday, January 6, 2019
Today, on January 6, Armenians in America and all around the world celebrate one of the biggest Christian events- Christmas and Easter. For Americans it is a usual working day, but for the Armenians it is considered a holiday and thus, a non-working day.
Easter is the biggest church attendance by Armenians. Many Armenians attend the church on Easter days. The Armenian traditional greeting on Easter is "Krisdos haryal i merelots" (Christ is risen from the dead), to which you reply "Orhnyal e harutyun' Krisdosi" (Blessed is the resurrection of Christ).
This is though not the Easter when people paint eggs in different colors. That celebration takes place in April.
The Armenians celebrate this day as a major Christian religious holiday, together with the Epiphany (baptism) and attend church services in their neighborhoods. Part of the ritual is the “Blessing of Water, when water is blessed with the holy chrism symbolic of Christ’s baptism.
The most beautiful and meaningful parts of the holiday occur at home and in church. Many families go to church on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. Then they sit down to enjoy a traditional Christmas dinner. According to tradition, the main dish is fish and rice prepared with butter. Wine is served with dinner.
Officially, this is the celebration of Christ’s birth and baptism, but Armenians among each other also call this holiday as Zatik.
Dear Armenians! Shnorhavor Surb Tsnund!